Senin, 09 April 2012

Deceit Shadow

I  found Janna Soekasah’s poem when I was lurxing over shalof's wordpress and  I think it's a great poem.
I just wanna share it to all of you ^^


…..Have you ever..?…
Have you ever felt that you have tried your best but it goes to waste? 
Have you ever felt that you’ve dreamt the impossible dream..?
I’ve always thought that true love exists, but sometimes you have to accept that in this world we are living in you just have to wake up from the dream that’s full of passion

They say it’s all just an illusion..But I wanna stay in this fashion..
I want to believe.. I don’t want to leave
From this delusional dream my mind had conceive..

You thought you’ve given no less..
But for them you are just making a mess..
When they told you the reality..
It just hit you suddenly.. You feel are mad
And everything’s gone bad.
Maybe it’s too late.
Maybe you’ve lost your mate
Maybe it’s not you fate..

I just wanna make you happy
I turned out to be silly
Maybe there’s no such thing as destiny..

Can’t I just keep on hoping..?
Can’t I just keep on believing..?
 Cause I love you so.
I hope you feel the same way too.

so, what do you think? it's a great poem isn't it? 
I think it's a lightweight poem but it has a deep meaning. I  just love the way she write it.

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